Graph Inceptor

Graph-Inceptor is a tool for creating KGs and processing and storing graph data. It offers two main services:

  1. KG creation pipeline that
    • supports various source data file formats;
    • uses declarative mappings (i.e., no programming required) to transform source data to graph data;
    • stores the resulting graph data in a graph database.
  2. Graph processing framework that
    • reads source or graph data in various formats;
    • offers in-memory access and processing of graph data in various representations;
    • saves the resulting graph data in various graph file formats;

This figure depicts a component architecture diagram of the Graph-Inceptor tool. The two services are implemented by two components:

  1. metaphacts ETL Pipeline provides a blueprint implementation for a KG creation pipeline. The pipeline can read various data sources, map them to RDF, and pre- and post-process the data. The result is a (virtual) KG stored in the graph storage. It is not necessary to convert all source data to RDF. A virtualization approach allows referencing original data in other databases, such as time series or binary files. Well-defined and standardised interfaces access and query the KG through SPARQL endpoints.
  2. GraphMa is a graph processing framework that reads, assembles, and processes raw or graph data from different formats, offering in-memory access and integration across various processes, and saving the resulting graph data in various graph file formats. Graphma supports a set of BGOs such LoadNetwork, Filter, Data2Graph, Interface2Graph, StoreGraph and Graph2File.